Hi everyone!
Really, if anyone is reading this blog post it’s a miracle since it’s been over a year since I’ve posted. I am still semi-active on Instagram though! If you really want to keep up with me you need to follow my photography business account.
This has been a crazy, scary, sad, but also creative few weeks.
With everything going on with the corona virus, I’ve been staying inside as much as possible for the last month.
I’ve been keeping busy in different ways from sewing (currently working on a corset) to baking (I may have eaten almost an entire chocolate cake this week) to puzzles (I make one puzzle into two by drawing on the back side).
This week I watched a live stream from my favorite brand, Spell, and was inspired to finally hem my Seashell collection robe and snap some pictures in my bedroom!
Does anyone know how to fix that missing chunk on my closet door? My brother broke it off probably fifteen years ago playing basketball with one of those tiny plastic hoops. Because, obviously, he had to dunk it.
Do we prefer the black and white or color?
It’s nice to be back here and blogging a solo outfit. When I blog for my photography business I’m always posting a hundred photos for a whole wedding and I find it very overwhelming.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and sane during these times!
Comment what you’ve been doing to stay busy!
Love ya lots,