Pleasant Surpises

  • Jul 13, 2013

July 12th, 2013
Yesterday Meg surprised me at work with a bag of goodies! It was so sweet of her and it really made my day!

She got me the Carmex Moisture Plus in pink. I really like it! It feels good, it smells minty (a lot like the Blistex DCT- the peach colored one) and it has a nice pink sheen to it. Just a little bit of color, good for everyday.

When I got out of work we did a little shopping. I returned some things and bought a few bathroom decorations. I really want to paint my bathroom, but I don’t have a day off until next Friday. I feel like it’s going to be a tough job. Painting around a toilet and a shower doesn’t seem like the easiest thing. I’m trying to decide if I want to keep the mirror that is in there now, or put up a pretty one. I have one that used to be in my bedroom that I could use.
We got dinner at White Hut. It was my first time going there and it was really good! We both got a cheeseburger and fries and it was fast and inexpensive. I will definitely go back.
After that we went back to Meg’s house and she had some rec people over. We played a game where everyone writes down a bunch of people/things/phrases. The first round is like catchphrase where you describe the person. After each round you put the names back in. The second round is charades, and the third round you describe the person in one word. It was really fun. You have a minute each round, so you can’t do all of them at once. My team lost, but only by a little.
Then I went home and I was too tired to blog, so I’m going it now.

My outfit:

The pants are the same Lucky Brand ones from my post yesterday, and my shirt is from American Eagle.
I hope you all had a great day!
