Midnight In…Not Paris

  • Sep 6, 2013

Photos from the first week of school (so far):



Mom <3




“If I should call you up, invest a dime…”



An old building on campus. I have no idea what it was used for.


Today’s awesome sunset. I snapped this pic while I was waiting for Natali outside her dorm.


I was a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of this week, to say the least. It’s always stressful to start back up after summer break. Getting all those syllabi and new things thrown at you at once can make a person crack. I will admit to crying after reading my accounting II class description (and I’m not even taking it this semester). I’ve been a bit of an emotional wreck the past two weeks, so last night my mom took me out to one of my favorite restaurants to cheer me up.

Now, I don’t love this restaurant for the food, it’s good, but what I really love is the atmosphere. The building is an old train station and it’s decorated with a bunch of 1920’s decorations and they played Nat King Cole music all night. Now, most people who know me know that I am borderline obsessed with the roaring 20’s, I mean: beading, feathers, fringe, layered necklaces, lace caps, heavy eye makeup, and female empowerment! What more can you ask for?

Tonight I had dinner with Sarah and Natali and some new friends as well. It was so nice just being back in the dining common and being goofy. I think we all needed a girl’s dinner. Sometimes laughter and venting are the best medicine.

And tomorrow is Friday, so that’s great!

I hope you are all having a good week! And if it’s your first week back at school, then I feel your pain! Good luck with your classes!


September 2, 2013