Hi everyone!
I’ve had a surprising number of new followers over on Bloglovin.
If you’d like to follow me over there, you can do that here!
I haven’t been able to add an email sign up since I switched over to a self hosted WordPress site, so that’s the best place to follow along for now.
I got this dress last year at Walmart. I normally never wear body con things. I had one dress in college that I thought was so cool but I only wore it twice because I was so self conscious in it.
I haven’t lost any weight since I wore that college days dress, if anything I’ve gained weight- so my body hasn’t changed. What has changed is my mindset.
I’ve stopped being so critical of my body and stopped hating my stomach. I’ve learned to accept and embrace my body in a way that I couldn’t mentally do before. It’s taken years to get to this point, but I’m so happy I have!
This isn’t to say that I wear form-fitting clothes all the time or that I don’t ever feel self conscious or wish thing about my body were different.
But I give a lot less mental energy to worrying about those things and I have a lot more appreciation for the body I have.
After having some health issues in the last few years (nothing serious, thankfully) I’ve gotten more perspective on how my body works for me, how I should respect it, and that it’s just doing it’s thing, keeping me alive, and I shouldn’t spend hours wishing I had a flat stomach.

If you’re looking for body positivity resources, I would recommend following these people:
Sierra Schultzzie
Melanie Murphy
Melissa Blake
Kellie Brown
Annika Victoria
Carrie Dayton
Bopo Peaches
Jess Meagan
Katie Sturino
Rosey Blair
Noelle Downing
If you have any accounts or sites that you love, share them in the comments!