August 20th, 2013

Honestly the best picture I got of the stage. We were pretty far away and I didn’t want to bring a bag, so I just had my phone to take pictures with.
On Saturday I went to a John Mayer concert with Maggie, Rachael, Sam, Kenzie, and Cathleen.It was really fun! We carpooled and then tailgated before the concert. We ate really good sandwiches. We just had a blanked to sit on, and most of us sat in the car, but the people next to us went all out. They had a table with a table cloth and chairs and a bowl of nuts, not even a can, but a glass bowl. They had dishes of fruit salad and a pan of what looked like seven layer bars. They were really nice… and really prepared.
The concert opener was Phil Phillips, but we missed him because we thought he was going on at 8, but really he went on at 7:30.
John Mayer was great though, he is a really talented guitarist. He would just go off on riffs in the middle of the songs and jam out. He played some stuff from Born and Raised, and stuff from his other albums too. I wish he had played Walt Grace’s Submarine Test because it’s my favorite, but he did play Free Fallin’ so that kind of made up for it.
I absolutely loved the stage set up. The background looked like a desert with rock formations and there were different star themes throughout the show. Sometimes there were large, nursery-like stars, and other times it just looked like the night sky, and sometimes it looked like a galaxy.
Here’s what I wore:
Sweatshirt: H&M, similar at Asos.
Leggings: Gap
Boots: American Eagle
I was excited for the concert and decided that a jumping picture would accurately capture it. It look about twenty jumps to get the only semi-good picture and I was winded and sore the next day. I really need to work out more… or at all.
I hope you all had a lovely day!