Becoming A Hepburn

  • May 31, 2015


Top: Marshalls – Pants: Marshalls  – Shoes: AE

So, the title of this is a gross overstatement, but I liked the way it sounded. I felt like Katherine Hepburn when I was wearing these pants. Like a tough lady who laughs in the face of anyone underestimate her. Not that I ever do that, but, wahoo clothes can be empowering. 

I’ve really been enjoying pants as of late (I’m writing like such a weirdo right now. That’s what happens when you wait until 2 am to write your posts). I love dresses and skirts, but sometimes you don’t want to worry about bending over…or chafing. The deodorant trick only goes so far. And it’s a difficult balance when you’re trying not to show your undershorts, but they have to be long enough to combat the chafing. 

I know I’m not the only one with this issue!

I should get some work appropriate shorts though. I recently cleaned out my closet, which was great, but I threw out all of my classier shorts, which was dumb. All I’m left with are denim cut offs, which aren’t really office attire. 

Also, side note, I just bought the app Pixelmator, which I used to edit these photos and I am loving it! There’s so much more control with it because they have brushed for exposure and saturation, and fun filters and effects. I’ve only had it for a few hours, but I think I can say it gets my stamp of approval. 

I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend! 

I’m going to Seattle Tuesday, so I’m sure I’ll have some exciting posts when I get back!  

~ Kelsey

May 27, 2015